Edin Hodza on 22/05/2014

5 /
5 )
When i saw this cue set, first thing that came to mind was, "not bad deal for a starter set". I play pool more than any one should, and was planning to get a started set ( low end cue ) for my practice sessions and order a Predator cue ( low deflection ) for tournaments and league games. When opening the package after receiving it and holding both cues in hand changed my mind. I ran quick to the pool table and played 3hrs with not one complaint. Great quality cues, awesome wrap and the case looks a million times better in person than on the picture. This cue set just became my regulate use set, i dont need to spend any money on anything else.
Great balance
Great quality product ( cue ,tip, and grip )
Deflection was very good even on HIGH english still held its own, hardly any deviation on the cue